Lara Croft


F) Remarkable 30

A) Remarkable 30

S) Good 10

E) Remarkable 30

R) Excellent 20

I) Remarkable 30

P) Excellent 20


Health: 100

Karma: 70


Popularity: -10

Resources: Remarkable


Powers: None



Scorpion-X Pistol x 2: Typical 6 Shooting damage, 30 round clip; 3 area range; Optional silencer.


Vector-R35s: Good 10 Shooting Damage; 9 rounds; 2 area range.


V-Packer: Excellent 20 Shooting Damage; 6-shot; 1 area range; 1 full turn to reload.


Mag Vega: Typical 6 Shooting Damage; 30 Round clip; single action, semi automatic and fully automatic; 4 area range. Optional silencer and laser sight.


K2 Impactor: Those hit by the K2 Impactor must make an Endurance FEAT roll vs. Excellent intensity stunning. Those who fail the FEAT roll are stunned for 1 – 10 rounds.


Dart SS: 4 Darts per cartridge, Those struck by a dart must make an Endurance FEAT roll vs. Good intensity poison. Those who fail the FEAT roll are stunned for 1 – 10 rounds.





Acrobatics: When under attack, Lara gains +1cs when Dodging, Evading or Escaping.

Archeology: Lara gains +1cs Reason on FEATS involving the past, including paleontology, historical records, and ancient myths or legends.

Business/Finance: Lara is familiar with the world of business and how money works. +1cs to all FEATS involving money.

Crime: Lara has had extensive interaction with a variety of Criminal types, she gains +1cs to all Reason and Intuition FEATS involving criminal practices.

Escape Artist: Lara gains +1cs when attempting FEATS that require lock picking, untying knots and minor contortion.

Guns: Lara gains +1cs to Agility when using firearms. Including laser, stun, and concussion varsities.

Martial Arts:

A: Lara may stun or slam opponents regardless of comparative strength and endurance.

B: While in unarmed combat, Lara gains +1cs to Fighting.

E: While in unarmed combat, Lara gains +1 to Initiative

Military: Lara gains +1cs to all Military matters including: Weapons, Camouflage, Cartography, Demolition, Electronic Countermeasures, Guns, and Heavy Weapons.

Multi-Lingual: English, German, Spanish, French, Hindi, Cantonese, Japanese, Mandarin, Portuguese, Arabic, Russian, Bengali, Indonesian, Latin, Ancient Greek, Egyptian (read heiroglyphs), Sumerian.

Occult Lore: Lara has spent extensive time studying Occult happenings. She gains +2cs when dealing with Occult events.

Sharp Weapons: Lara gains +1cs to hit when using a weapon that resolves on the Edged attack column.

Stealth: Lara causes -2cs to Intuition FEATS for anyone trying to locate her while she moves silently or hides.

Survival: Lara gains +1cs to all FEATS involving natural challenges of the outdoors: finding food, direction, etc.

Thievery: Lara gains +1cs to all FEATS involving pick-pocketing, lock picking or knowledge of security systems

Tumbling: Lara knows how to fall and land without undue injury. She may make an Agility FEAT to land feet-first after any fall that does not inflict damage.