
Sally Blevins

F) Gd13
A) Rm30
S) Gd8
E) Ex20
R) Gd10
I) Rm30
P) Ex20

Health: 71 Karma: 60
Resources: Pr Pop: 0

Known Powers:
Force Field: Sally constantly emits a personal force field of Ex rank. This provides protection against physical, gas, mental, and energy attacks.
-Her force field has unique frictionless properties that make it impossible for anyone to hold on to her. Therefore, Skids cannot be grabbed or entangled
-She can temporarily turn her power off by making a Psyche FEAT
-She can temporarily boost the field up to In at will
-By succeeeding in a Psyche FEAT she can extend the force field to cover other people and areas. For each person or area covered the intensity is decreased -1cs
-She has learned how to "skate" on her force field to reach Ex landspeed
-Landing: her energy field disperses kinetic energy impacts not only from weapon or other methods of attacks, but such as great falls

Talents: Criminology, Detective/Espionage, Escape Artist, Law, Skating, Street Smarts, Student, Trivia - New York City Underground Tunnels, Tumbling

Contacts: Morlocks, X-Factor, Xavier Institute for Gifted Youngsters, Scorpion II, S.H.I.E.L.D.

-X-men student uniform [blue-yellow]: Good Body Armor vs Heat/Cold; Pr vs. everything else

Classification: mutant (X-gene)
Gender: Female
Height: 5'5"
Weight: 115 lbs (52 kg)
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Blonde
Unusual features: None
Marital Status : Single
Citizenship : American
Place of Birth: New Jersey, USA
Date of Birth: 1966.07.19.
Known Relatives : Matilda (mother, deceased), Bill (father)


Little has been revealed of Sally Blevins' past. It is known that her power first manifested after she was abused by her stepfather. Her mother Matilda is deceased and the current whereabouts of her step father is unknown. She ended up a runaway, living on, or rather under, the streets with the Morlocks, a group of homeless mutants. Most Morlocks voluntarily (or, in some cases, involuntarily) took on inhuman appearances at the hands of the Morlock facial sculptor, Masque. Sally's force field protected her from Masque's power, allowing her to maintain her normal appearance, leading to resentment from some Morlocks. At one point, Skids encountered Quill, who was being pursued by the Freedom Force (government-chartered mutant enforcers composed of former members of the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants) and a mob of mutant-hating humans. Maxwell had accidentally injured a woman with his quills and was wanted by the U.S Government. Skids' force field allowed the two to easily escape, but were eventually overtaken by the Freedom Force on the edge of Central Park.

Before the evil mutants could take them in, a mob of humans attacked the Freedom Force. In the confusion, Skids and Quill escaped. Skids tried to get Maxwell to the safety of the underground home of the Morlocks, but the Freedom Force caught up with them again, this time in the sewers beneath New York. The Force member Blob was pounding Quill into the sewer wall when the mutant hero team X-Factor arrived. After a brief skirmish, Freedom Force retreated.

With X-Factor's mentorship, Skids and Quill began to learn more about their powers, and were the first of several X-Factor protegees transferred to the Xavier Institute. They shared other adventures alongside the rest of the students, at one point calling themselves the X-Terminators.
