random ranks column 3 agility +2cs power Enhanced senses (smell, hearing): Good Natural Weaponry (teeth): Good hyper-leaping (grey or red squirrel): Strength +1cs hyper-running (chipmunk): Typical gliding (flying squirrel): Typical talent Climbing: +1cs agility Stealth: -1cs Intuition against them The Squirrel demihuman race is a race of half human - half squirrel. Have human stature with squirrel attributes. They stood and had the body shape of humans. The differences were that they had a tail; their ears were on top of their head, claws in place of finger nails, buck teeth, and short muzzle. There most recognizable feature was personality, being some what child like and carefree. They are very protective of wildlife and other natural things. Their diet mostly consisted of nuts and berries, but with the odd vegetation. They did not eat meat. They lived not much longer than humans (oldest recording being 150 years old). They aged at about the same rate as humans. Race History Unknown origin. These creatures were discovered in vast woodlands. Being human like and having speech, writing, and other forms of human technology. But high technology was not present (equal to 19th century earth). This seeming lack of technology did not hamper their ability with healing. Herbal remedies along with healing magic were used to sustain life. No religion known of is present. Being mostly peaceful creatures but able to protect themselves if needed.