
Santo Vaccarro

F) Ex20
A) Ty6
S) Am50
E) Am50
R) Ty6
I) Ty6
P) Gd10

Health: 126 Karma: 22
Resources: Gd Pop: 0

Known Powers:
Geokinetic Psychic Entity: Mn, Santo is actually a non-physical psychic entity that can form and control a stone "golem", with the following stunts:
-Self Sustenance: Mn, he does not need to eat, drink or breathe
-Body Resistance: In protection vs. Physical and Energy
-Protected Senses: Am protection vs. sonics
-Anatomical Separation: Ex, Rockslide is able to project the rocks from his body up to 2 areas away. However, he cannot control his body parts when they are detached.

-The Body Transformation power is permanently up, he can't change back to flesh and blood.
-Energy Blasts: He can be split into pieces by powerful energy blasts from opponents such as Cyclops or Sunspot.
-Geoforce: Because Rockslide's body is composed of rock or earth, he is susceptible to others who control rock materials like Magma.


Talents: Brawling, Intimidation, Martial Arts AI, Student, Wrestling

Contacts: Xavier Institute for Gifted Youngsters, Cable, X-Force

Classification: mutant (X-gene)
Gender: Male
Height: 6' 2"
Weight: 482 lbs (219 kg)
Eyes: White
Hair: No Hair
Unusual Features: No visible pupils, rock body, no genitals
Marital Status: Single
Citizenship: American
Place of Birth: Unrevealed
Date of Birth: 1968.08.22.

Santo is typically depicted as superficially brash, oblivious, and inconsiderate. Originally, he was introduced as a stereotypical bully. However, he cares deeply for his friends, which usually motivates him to perform feats of incredible strength or bravery. He also has a strong sensitivity for his teammates, such as Dust, recognizing that he is not supposed to see her without her abaya. He is very protective of his teammate Mercury. Santo also has a strong sense of honor, telling Surge and Pixie that he would quit the team if they were not included on the roster.


Much of his history is unknown but he came to the Xavier Institute and has had no known contact with his family since.

Rockslide in his bed
