
F) Fe2
A) Ty6
S) Pr4
E) Ex20
R) Pr4
I) Pr4
P) Pr4

Health: 32 Karma: 12
Resources: Pr Pop: 0

Known Powers:
Power Negation: CL1000 ability to negate any kind of power effects within 1 area no matter what its origin is, whether it is mutant or extraterrestrial power. Leech's powers were once uncontrollable and involuntary but as time passes by, he studies how to take control of this, like limiting the effect closely around himself, or to just one opponent.
Some physical effects, such as being thin, may also occur depending on the nature of the powers that he negated


Talents: Student, Street Smarts, Trivia - New York City Underground Tunnels

Contacts: Morlocks, Artie, Xavier Institute for Gifted Youngsters, Psycho

Classification: mutant (X-gene)
Gender: Male
Height: 4'2"
Weight: 67 lbs
Eyes: White
Skin: Green
Hair: Bald
Unusual features: Leech has no nose, and always looks to be around 12 years old. He speaks broken English and acts and speaks in the third-person.
Citizenship: American
Place of Birth: Unrevealed
Date of Birth: 1972.08.30.
Relatives: Annalee (Foster mother, deceased), Unnamed parents who abandoned him (whereabouts unknown)


Leech's family left him expecting him to die after his mutation manifested. He was then seen by Caliban and brought him to Annalee who took good care of him alongside with other mutants whom she raised. He became a young Morlock. He then befriended Artie Maddicks and had some encounters with the X-Men.

Mr. Sinister ordered the Marauders to murder lots of mutants including the Morlocks. Many have died during the encounter with Sinister's mutants, however, Leech and Caliban have been saved by the Power Pack and the X-Terminators. Together with Artie Maddicks, they have been taken into custody of the X-Factor. After the encounter, it took them some time and enrolled to St. Simons which accepted them despite their mutation.

The two have then been abducted by anti-mutant demons but were successfully rescued by the X-Terminators with the New Mutants. Artie and Leech have returned to St. Simons, just to leave shortly after to the Xavier Institute.

source: http://www.angelfire.com/comics/benriely/