
Melati Kusuma

F) Gd10/Pr4
A) Rm30/Pr4
S) Rm30/Ty6
E) Am50/Ty6
R) Rm30
I) Ex20
P) Gd10

Health: 120/20 Karma: 60
Resources: Gd Pop: 0

Known Powers:
Animal Transformation/Mimicry (lizard): Am. She has the following power stunts:
-Alter Ego: Stats change as shown above.
-Body Armor: Ex protection vs. Physical
-Natural Weaponry - Claws: In Edge
-Natural Weaponry - Teeth: Am Edge
-Natural Weaponry - Tail: In Blunt attack
-Wall-Crawling: Am
-Enhanced Senses: Rm Sight, Smelling, Hearing
-Regeneration: Am


In her human form, Komodo is paraplegic and cannot walk.

Talents: Student, Atomic Physics, Biochemistry, Biotechnology, First Aid, Genetics, Martial Arts BEF (Xing Yi Quan), Organic Chemistry

Contacts: Dr. Curt Connors, Xavier Institute for Gifted Youngsters

Classification: mutant (X-gene) / mutant (induced)
Gender: Female
Height: 4'3" / 5'8"
Weight: 110 lbs / 148 lbs
Eyes: Brown/Amber
Hair: Black/None
Skin: Brown / Green
Unusual Features: In human form, she is missing both legs. In lizard form, she has a more reptilian appearance, including claws, scaly skin, pointed ears, fangs a tail and a crest.
Marital Status: Single
Citizenship: Kenyan
Place of Birth: Unrevealed
Date of Birth: 1965.03.23

Komodo in action

Komodo's human form


Melati Kusuma lost both her legs in a car accident due to her fast and reckless driving, six weeks after getting her license. The crash was so violent it took two hours to extract her from the wreck. She became sick of people seeing her as "that poor girl in the wheelchair". She devoted herself to academics, having "no life", and earned a full scholarship to Empire State University.

Komodo was one of Dr. Curt Conner's students at the university. Having lost both her legs earlier in life and eager to regain them, she stole the serum that enabled Connors to transform into the Lizard and modified it so that it would work on her and would merely grant her the regenerative properties Dr. Connors desired or at least allow her to keep her mind.

Unknown to both her and Connors, she was a mutant and so the serum merely activated her dormant X-Gene and gave direction to it. Connors then directed her to the Beast who in turn invited her to the Institute she would be treated well and could continue her studies unperturbed.

source: http://www.angelfire.com/comics/benriely/