Sharon Frielander

F) Ty6
A) Ty6
S) Ex16
E) Gd10
R) Gd10
I) Ty6
P) Ty6

Health: 38 Karma: 22
Resources: Pr Pop: 5

Known Powers:

Talents: Biology, Chiropractic, Emergency Medicine, First Aid, Negotiations, Pediatrics, Physical Therapy

Contacts: Xavier Institute for Gifted Youngsters, Thomas Corsi, New Mutants,


Classification: mutant (induced)
Gender: Female
Height: 5' 6" (168 cm)
Weight: 133 lbs (60 kg)
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Black
Skin: Red
Unusual Features: None
Marital Status: Single
Citizenship: American
Place of Birth: Unrevealed
Date of Birth: 1958.04.24.


Sharon Friendlander was a caucasian American woman, had worked as a nurse in the Mid-County Medical Centre for many years. There she enjoyed the challenges of the job and helping people in her local community.

One night during a heavy snow storm, Danielle Moonstar was rushed into the Emergency Room. She had been severely attacked, with wounds that appreared to be consistant with a bear attack. Unknown to Nurse Friedlander or any of the emergency staff, Dani was the New Mutant known as Mirage, and she had been attacked by the ferocious spirit known as the Demon Bear. The Demon Bear then plunged it's gigantic claws through their bodies, casting powerful spells over both of them. They were transformed from caucasians into Native American demons.

After the bear was defeated, Sharon's body was freed of the evil spirit. However, although both she and Tom were freed of the evil demons that possessed them, Magik could not restore their bodies to their former appearance. As William Lonestar later explained, the Demon Bear's first enchatment that transformed them into Native Americans was permanent. Magik's Soulsword had removed the demonic enchantments, but there were no more spells to be removed.

Being transformed into a different ethnic race meant that Sharon couldn't return to work at the Mid-County Medical Centre. Her whole life had been turned upside dwn by the encounter with the Demon Bear. Professor Xavier sent Sharon to Muir Isle where Moira MacTaggert attempted to research for any possible cure and study their new abilities. However, Sharon & Tom were permanently transformed. While Tom Corsi seemed happy with his new strength and reinvigorated youth, Sharon was less receptive and wanted her old life back.

Sharon and Tom returned to New York and went to live at Xavier's School for the Gifted where they assisted the new headmaster, Avila Moore. They became teaching assistants and confidents for the New Mutants in much the same way that Stevie Hunter had done.

Having survived at least two life-changing and traumatic experiences threw their lives together.

Sharon at work
Sharon's original appearance
