
Sooraya Qadir

F) Ex20
A) Ex20
S) Ty6
E) Rm30
R) Ty6
I) Gd10
P) Ex20

Health: 76 Karma: 36
Resources: Gd Pop: 0

Known Powers:
Body Transformation-Self (sand): In, Dust can transform her body into sand-like particles under her direct control. She is able to do the following stunts:
-Body Resistance: Ex, she is hard to damage, except heat/fire/wind/water: Pr
-Dust Cloud: Rm, Dust becomes a giant cloud of dust that causes Rm Edge within a 2 area radius every round.
--Carried by the Wind: Ex, while in Dust Cloud form, she can propel herself through the air at great speeds
-Mental Invisibility: In, Dust is very hard to telepathically detect or influence while in her sand-like form
-"Phasing" through openings with Rm ease
-Resistance to Magic: Rm, Dust is very hard to magically detect or influence while in sand-life form
-Self-sustenance: Rm, Dust doesn't need to breathe, eat or drink while in her transformed state. She even can replenish her energies by absorping sand from outer sources

-while in her granular form, Sooraya can be weakened by wind or water. Her sand form is also vulnerable to extremes of heat, causing it to crystallise into glass, paralysing her. Like many transmorphs, she reverts to her human form if exhausted or knocked unconscious.


Talents: Bilingual (Arabic, English), Attractive, Cartography, Escape Artist, Geology, Martial Arts EF, Quick Striking, Resist Domination, Student, Trivia - Muslim Religion

Contacts: Xavier Institute for Gifted Youngsters

Classification: mutant (X-gene)
Gender: Female
Height: 5' 6"
Weight: 136 lbs (62 kg)
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Brown
Unusual features: None
Marital Status: Single
Citizenship: Afghani
Place of Birth: Western Afghanistan
Date of Birth: 1965.07.18.

Sooraya's dust form

Sooraya without her abaya

Quirks: Dust is a devout Sunni Muslim. She always observes hijab because of the modesty it affords her from men.


Dust is a mutant from Afghanistan. She was taken into captivity by slave traders who planned to sell her off as a mutant slave. When her captors attempted to remove her headdress, she lashed out at them, turning into her dust form and stripping flesh from their bodies.

Wolverine had also been out to locate her, and assisted in killing the remainder of her would-be captors and getting her to the safety at one of his acquaintances' house in Mumbai. While Wolverine was sleeping and allowing himself to heal, she turned into her dust form, hiding all around the room. Jean Grey recognized telepathically that she was there and attempted to comfort her, but she would only say one thing: Turaab (meaning "Dust").

Instead of wearing a traditional X-Uniform, she decided to keep her traditional clothing, an abaya and a niqab veil.

source: http://www.angelfire.com/comics/benriely/